Le Bien Public | The confidence in quality, an immediate sound captivation. An organ which takes your breath away, through its staggering beauty ! |
Les Dépêches | M. Clerc wages on perfection, he has the necessary skills and means.. |
Le Midi Libre | One of the most outstanding concerts we ever had at the cathedral. |
Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace | What a job ! What a talent ! What an inspiration! |
Le Dauphiné Libéré | He was particularly dazzling in the romantic part. Franck and Vierne were conveyed with spirit and an extremely enticing flourish. |
Le Progrès | With his usual sensitivity M. Clerc knew how to find subtle nuances in the phrasing as well as in the registration. |
Nice-Matin | Maurice Clerc at the top. The inspiration and the inventivness of his playing make of him an exceptional musician. |

Mainz-Zeitung | He presented to us a Bach full of fire in an authentic baroque style. |
The Lubecker-Nachrichter | Der 2 choral von Franck wohl der mit sehr herber stimmung, erschloss sich durch clercs vollendete spielweise. Temperamentvoll, kräftig, lyrisch weun nöting-kaum lässt sich mit diesen adjektiven der Eindruck Beschreiden. |
Frankfürter Allgemeine Zeitung | As an ideal dramatist with an unerring sense to create a tension and to prompt emotion. M. Clerc revealed himself as a supreme interpreter. |
Bonner-Zeitung | One of the most outstanding performers who ever played here. |
Kempten | So erstrangige organisten sind rar. |
Brabants-Bagblad | Virtuoso organist! |
L’Impartial | M. Clerc, a top-class performer, one wants to hear him again… |
La Liberté, Fribourg | Amazement while listening to the French organist. With Vierne and Dupré, M. Clerc gives one of the best recitals of these last twenty years. |
Norrköping-Tiawingen | One is fascinated by this artistic phenomenon. |
Hexam | The Vierne symphony was a truly memorable occasion. |
Organist’s review | M. Clerc provides a model of sensivity to nuance, in phrasing, in registration, most particularly inbalance. A higly treasurable release. |
El Matino. Padova. | Brilliant opening of the annual cycle of concerts with M. Clerc who is a phenomenon of genius among the international world of concert performers. His recital at the cathedral clearly indicated that he is equal to his fame. |
The Mail-Star | His improvisation became an unbelievable performance. |
American organist | Superlatively played. |
The Blade. Toledo | A brilliant concert. His improvisation was a genuine tour de force in the best French tradition. |
Chronicle. Houston | The Dupré, Franck and Messiaen works glistened with visceral excitement because they were so vigorously presented. His improvisation ranged admirably in style and inventiveness. |
Spencerville. Maryland | I just thank the AGO for bringing in M. Clerc. For me, that was the best organ concert I’ve attended the decade. His playing was so clean and transparent. He really used the whole instrument. His music selection was played with emotions. It was some of the best soft playing I’ve ever heard and really made the big parts count |
American organist | M. Clerc has total understanding of the varying musical styles of three of the featured composers. It is a joy to hear Tournemire played with the flair of Tournemire, unmistakably sensual Langlais and the dignified perfection of Dupré. This CD is recommended because of the perfect match of music and performer. This is a must-have in your collection of French organ music. |
The Sydney Morning-Herald | A Master-Organist. |
Evening-Post | M. Clerc playing in glorius. |